The Weather App

the weather app project plain screenshot

To-do App

to-do app project plain screenshort

Landing Page

apple landing page plain screenshot

Ordering System

apple landing page plain screenshot

Top 4 active projects with responsiveness:

The Weather App

This is a weather app built with HTML5 for the basic structure of the page, CSS3 for the styling and JavaScript for functionality and API Integration. The app fetches and displays the weather data of the searched city from anywhere in the world, including the current weather data and for the next 4 days.

screenshot of the to-do app on a laptop

To-do List

A To-Do List to help one organise and manage all the things that they have to do in one go. Used basic HTML5 for the structure of the page, CSS3 for the styling, JavaScript for functionality and Bootsrap for responsiveness, ensuring that it looks good on all types of devices. The app allows you insert, mark as read and delete tasks.

Apple Landing Page

This is a static landing page of Apple AirPods Max. This is inclusive of HTML5 for the basic structururing and the layout of the page, CSS3 for the styling of the webpage, and Bootsrap for its responsiveness on all devices. This gives you a luxurious feeling of what it is like to own one of those.

Apple AirPods landing page apple airpods landing page on a mobile phone
screenshot of the burger ordering system on a desktop

Online Ordering System

A simple burger ordering system. This was constructed using basic HTML5 for the structure of the webpage, CSS3 for the styling of elements and then a huge part of JavaScript that aided in ensuring that the webpage is functional. The ordering system allows the user to select the burger of their choice, place an order upon clicking on it then user inputs amount of cash they have, with the number of burgers they would like.